The CORE Project

Connecting the resources of God to our ministry calling and vision

The CORE Project is designed to give you the opportunity to continually use the resources God has blessed you with to further the kingdom work calling of our ministry. We aim to diligently be frugal and wise as we invest these resources into the vision and activity of CORE Apologetics. We have three levels of monthly giving to help facilitate your desire to become a financial partner of our organization. As a member, we want to thank you with levels of access based upon your CORE Project membership level. These are exciting times, and we are so thankful for all who the Lord leads to support us on a regular basis. May our Lord richly bless you as you invest in our ministry allowing us to help disciples and doubters live in the reality of the resurrection. The gifts listed below are meant to be a "thank you" to you for becoming a valuable member of our financial team. You may choose to give monthly or annually, and churches, organizations, and individuals may all be a part of The CORE Project.

GOLD - $150+

Gold thank you gifts:

CORE Project t-shirt

CORE Class credits  (4 online cohorts)

Signed copy of Dr. Shaw's new book

Discounts on CORE Events

SILVER - $100

Silver thank you gifts:

CORE Project t-shirt

CORE Class credits (2 online cohorts)

Signed copy of Dr. Shaw's new book

BRONZE - $50

Bronze thank you gifts:

CORE Project t-shirt

CORE Class credit (1 online cohort)

Three simple steps:

1) choose your amount; 2) choose monthly or annually (amount x 12);

3) fill out the form. You're now a part of The CORE Project!



*Access to levels of giving benefits requires membership to be active (ongoing monthly support). Benefits are one per fiscal year,

and becoming a member is an annual commitment. 100% of your donations go to support the ministry of CORE Apologetics.

CORE Apologetics, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Yearly contributions will be mailed to the address provided. 

*Please contact Dr. Shaw if you are interested in using one of your CORE Class credits that come with your membership.

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