After watching the biblical teaching by Ron Davis, read the following portions of Scripture.
Colossians 4:7-14
Ephesians 6:21-23
2 Timothy 4:11-13
Colossians 4:7-14 is the list of ordinary people listed by Paul in this little letter. As inspired Scripture, this list is important. Why? It shows the value of every single person in the Kingdom of God.
Ephesians 6:21-23 is another place Tychicus is mentioned by Paul. Notice the similarities and the trust Paul has in this faithful servant.
2 Timothy 4:11-13 also mentions Tychicus. It is amazing to think how this ordinary servant was so important for the ministry of Paul and the formation of the New Testament.
Think about this: Tychicus had NO CLUE that he was carrying books of the New Testament. He didn't know how important his task was, but he was faithful to what the Lord had led him to do for the sake of the gospel
Use a journal and interact with Scripture as you read, study and meditate on it.
Col. 4:7-14 Notice how Paul describes describes each person and the instructions that are given, as well. It is very obvious that Paul has a great amount of respect for person and also a great amount of love. He wants to make sure the prisoner (Aristarchus) is treated well. He also emphasizes the acceptance of Mark. Mark had abandoned Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13.
Eph. 6:21-23 Tychicus is mentioned again by Paul in this letter. It shows the importance of his work and his willingness to be used of the Lord. Once again, Tychicus is going to deliver the inspired letter written by Paul to an early church. This letter, as with Colossians, will become part of the New Testament! Tychicus did not know how important his task was, but he was faithful and willing to be used in whatever way was needed.
2 Timothy 4:11-13 Paul makes a little comment about Tychicus that seems unimportant: "I have sent him to Ephesus." This tells us everything about Tychicus that we need to know: he was so faithful and useful that Paul sent him to an early church with a letter that he wrote them (Ephesians) to give them instructions from the Lord and encourage them in their faith. What an amazing testimony!
Prayer Guide
- for the acceptance of who you are in Christ
- for the ability to do "all in the name of the Lord Jesus"
- for an attitude of faithfulness to the things the Lord has given you to do now
- a desire to be used and not to be known
- for the ability to be gracious to others, especially those who need the gospel
- for repentance over wasted time and wrong attitudes that can weaken the gospel message.
Personal Evaluation/Actions
- What are you greatest fears concerning "the will of God" for your life?
- Write down what you are good at - your skill set, your abilities, your desires, your passions. Evaluate whether or not you are using them to do "all in the name of the Lord Jesus."
- Do you truly have a desire to "do all" for the Lord? This is when God begins to move and direct in your life. Write down the things in your life that are a hindrance to this being an attitude and action that you consistently live out.