After watching the biblical teaching by Ron Davis, read the following portions of Scripture.
Galatians 5:16-26
Colossians 4:1-12
Notice in Galatians the emphasis upon the power of the Holy Spirit in these verses and the importance of living out our faith by embracing who we are in Christ: our identity. The Colossians passage begins to give the practical application of what this looks like in our everyday lives. Think about these things as you read these passages of Scripture.
Use a journal and interact with Scripture as you read, study and meditate on it.
Gal. 5:16-18 How do you defeat the flesh (that which leads you back into sin)? Walk in submission to the Holy Spirit
Gal. 5:19-19-21 Notice the list of things that identify the flesh. Also notice the warning of Paul at the end of 21. This is not saying that your sin, as a believer, will kick you out of the Kingdom. Rather, it is a statement about identity.
Gal. 5:22-26 The works of the Spirit in those who have their identity in Christ
Col. 4:1-5 How to live out your faith daily.
Col. 4:7-17 Ordinary people being used by Christ.
Col 4:18 Paul is in prison when writing this letter.
Prayer Guide
- for an attitude of submission to the Holy Spirit on a consistent basis (walking in the Spirit)
- for a new motive: to do all in the name of the Lord Jesus
- for direction in your life that flows from this new motive
- repentance for neglecting the power of the Holy Spirit and embracing a motive that destroys your identity in Christ
Personal Evaluation/Actions
- Write down your life's goals and ask the following question: are these goals driven by the concept "I want to do all in the name of the Lord Jesus"?
- Are you confused about your future, your vocation, etc.? How do you think you will know?
- How does your identity in Christ, and the motive of doing all in His name, strengthen you to face the intellectual and spiritual battles of the future?