After watching the biblical teaching by Ron Davis, read the following portions of Scripture.
Colossians - the entire book
As you read the entire book, take your time. This may take you a few days or a few weeks. Sincerely reflect on what you have learned. Research passages that we did not take an in-depth look at in this study. Feel free to contact us with questions about the book and how it applies to you personally.
Use this time to allow the truths of Colossians to grow your faith in a stronger way and prepare you engage the culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Remember: take your time, journal as you go, and let this book impact you in a powerful way!
Colossians 1 This chapter focuses clearly on our identity in Christ and clearly defines who He is: the supreme and sufficient One who created all things and holds all things together. He is Everything, and we have His power in us to live out our faith.
Colossians 2 This chapter explains the sufficiency of Christ, i.e., nothing is greater than He is, and nothing can ever take his place. This includes the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of self-righteousness. Both of these threaten our identity in Christ and strengthen our flesh (the road map back to sin).
Colossians 3 Paul addresses what we should "putt off" and what we should "put on" as followers of Christ. He also begins to teach about the practical reality of our identity in Christ (family relationships, master/worker relationships, etc.).
Colossians 4 Clear instructions on strengthening our identity: consistent prayer, walking in wisdom, and interacting with people who need the gospel (with grace and wisdom and significance). Beginning in verse seven, he gives a list of "ordinary" people who were faithful to Christ. He ends the book by focusing on his position in Christ and not his circumstances.
Prayer Guide
- for the ability to truly embrace your identity in Christ
- the desire to equip your heart and mind
- the passion and courage to engage the culture with the gospel
- for repentance over things that threaten your identity, your passion to learn and your desire to share the gospel
- for strength to be faithful to Christ in the culture we live in and the desire to see it changed by the gospel
Personal Evaluation/Actions
- How faithful have you been to studying Scripture during this devotion series?
- How consistent is your prayer life?
- Do you treat others with grace and have answers that are biblically sound and significant?
- All three of these are mentioned by Paul in Col. 4 as actions that reveal strengthen our identity in Christ. All three are driven by Col. 3:16-17.
- Write down your plan to grow in Christ. Does it reflect those two things found in Col. 3?