It is truly amazing to think that we are described as "the masterpiece of God in Christ Jesus to good works" (Ephesians 2:10). As the product of his workmanship, you are being molded and shaped for the good things he has planned for you. You are his perfect work of art...his masterpiece. This process takes places every day as you live, and the fact that you are struggling with anxiety or fear from religious doubt does not change this fact.
Do this exercise:
Think about what it means to be the masterpiece of God. Think about how this stage of your spiritual formation (religious doubt) is part of this process. Read Ephesians 2:1-20. Write out all of the things that relate to you being "his workmanship (masterpiece)" and the potential benefits of this trial you are going through right now.
A point of emphasis:
God is at work in the world, and he is most certainly at work in your life. A really good thing for you to ask is: "If God is at work, how can I recognize and get in on what he is doing in my life?"
"Knowing and doing God's will depends on how well you know Him and His nature. Because God is love, His will is always best. As you follow and obey Him, He will direct you in ways that are best for you and for the situation into which He calls you. Since God is all-knowing, you'll never have to question the wisdom of His directions - even when they don't make sense to you. His plans are always right. God is all-powerful, so you need not doubt your ability, strength, or resources to complete His assignments. He will equip you to accomplish all He calls you to do" (Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, Claude King, Experiencing God, 28).
Chad Bird
provides excellent perspective in this area: "God hides in plain sight. In our world, on our streets, in the back alleys and warehouses and boardrooms that look nothing like God's hangouts. He's dressed up as the misfits who embarrass us and the tollbooth workers we pass by unnoticed. And he's beneath our skin too. He has sunk himself into our unglamorous lives that there he might do what he does best: give, love, serve, help, and pray. The little things we do [to show his love] are divine deeds over which angels rejoice. the evening news will never report on them. The church newsletter won't mention them. No one will upload a YouTube video about them that goes viral. Yet that's their hidden beauty: unnoticed by earth, applauded by heaven. To us they seem as natural and boring as watching the grass grow. But to God, they are his humble, only niche in a world blinded by bigger, better, bolder" (Your God is Too Glorious: Finding God in the Most Unexpected Places, 2021).
God is at a work in your life and the world around you!
The journey you find yourself in does not mean that he has abandoned you, is mad at you, or even disappointed in you. He is working in and around you, and your doubt doesn't affect this at all. On the contrary, it may even be part of the chiseling process to make you into his masterpiece.
Take a few minutes and think about what we discussed in the video and the material in this section. Write down a few sentences in relation to how this has helped you better understand your own religious doubt.