What's Next

Coming in 2024! Schedule Your Event Today! Limited Blocks Available!

Your generation...Your questions...Your future

What's Next is a special event for college age and young adults that is designed to help them face some of the most difficult and confusing times of their lives. This is a conversation based approach to help them be better prepared to navigate the difficult path of adulthood and also understand the DNA of spiritual formation that brings about a deep, rich, and abundant life in Jesus Christ.

You pick the date. We do the rest.

What's Next Event Details

Each event is specifically designed to meet your needs as an organization in the very specific time you choose to host a What's Next event.

Our goal is to provide an event where young adults:


  • are engaging topics that are significant to them
  • feel accepted and respected
  • will enjoy meeting other people their age
  • feel comfortable bringing their friends
  • walk away stronger in their faith
  • can serve their community


Church staff - we can also come early to meet with your leadership team to help assess your current situation with young adults and offer solutions that will help you accomplish your mission of making disciples who make disciples (especially in this specific age group).

You pick the date, and we do the rest. While there is a main event every year, the purpose of What's Next is to impact young adults in local areas. In other words, we believe it to be more beneficial to come to you so you can engage the young adults in your area. This allows you to have a greater impact for the Kingdom as you begin to build a reputation in your area as a ministry that cares about millennials and below.

We are equipped to handle the following conversations (topics), and we have access to qualified speakers who understand this age group and will connect well with them as they lead these conversations.

Conversations Include

Defending the Faith in a Hostile World


  • How to properly navigate the moral and intellectual questions we face as followers of Christ.
  • We find ourselves living in a post-Christian America with unchurched young adults having serious objections/questions about the Christian worldview: How can you say there is only one true faith? How can you believe that the Bible is a message from God when it has errors in it? Science and Christianity are at odds, how can you still believe? How can there be so much suffering is God is all-powerful and all-good? Why do Christians hate the LGBTQ community?
  • These questions need answering, and we want to help provide young adults with answers that are clear, concise, true and helpful to bridging a gap with the skeptical mind and allowing the gospel to be presented, understood and realized.


What is the Will of God for My Life?


  • How to truly know, embrace, and live out the purpose and plan of God.
  • One of the biggest fears of young adults is the concept of purpose, i.e., What am I supposed to being doing with my life? or Does God really have a purpose for me, and if so, how in the world can I know what it is? This fear is valid, as the choices made in young adulthood shape the trajectory of their lives. This can be a very scary and confusing subject, and it needs to be properly addressed for this age group.
  • We want to bring clarity to this discussion and solid direction that allows the young adult to understand and know that he/she is living in the midst of the plan of God.


Dealing with Anxiety and Depression


  • How to recognize and deal with anxiety and depression.
  • Clinical depression and anxiety disorders have doubled in adolescents in the last decade. More than 80% goes untreated, resulting in an even higher rate in young adults (John Hopkins Health Review, Fall/Winter 2017, Vol. 4, II).
  • We want to help young adults properly diagnose anxiety and depression and what they can do to bring healing in themselves and others.


Overcoming Religious Doubt


  • How to overcome doubts about faith, Scripture, God, Jesus, etc.
  • The statistics clearly show that the young adults in American culture are much less likely to continue in their faith than the generations before them. Although the statistics vary, the truth is clear: more young people are walking away from the faith than at any other point in our history. The number one reason for this is: unconfessed doubt. Most young adults do not feel comfortable admitted their doubts about Scripture, Jesus, God, or the truth claims of Christianity. They believe the will be ridiculed, rejected, and also think the church is afraid of the questions.
  • We want to help young adults understand that religious doubt is okay and that their questions are welcomed. We also want them to know that we have good answers for their questions and that religious doubt does not have to destroy their faith.


Engaging People with the Gospel


  • How to have gospel intentionality as a follower of Christ.
  • The vast majority of Christians in the West do not share their faith on a regular basis. The leading factor behind this is fear of rejection, lack of knowledge, hostility, etc.
  • We want to help young adults understand how to overcome this fear and impact people with the good news of Christ in this broken and hurting world.


Having Strong Relationships as a Single Adult


  • How to have meaningful relationships in a culture that is driven by superficial ones.
  • American culture has produced a strange phenomenon: unlimited access to information and almost continual engagement with people through social media platforms...and at the same time produced a generation that is the loneliest in history.
  • We want to help young adults develop lasting relationships that strengthen their lives and their faith. Our focus in this area is to not only help them build a network of friends but also mentors, confidants, and those who need Christ.


Overcoming Addiction


  • How to overcome an addiction to pornography, social media, and other harmful activities in the life of the believer.
  • There is an epidemic of pornography addiction among followers of Christ. This powerful addiction will destroy the ability of the believer to faithfully live our his/her faith, have the right kind of meaningful dating/marriage relationships, and truly hinder the concept of living with gospel intentionality. This is usually recognized by young adults, and most who are addicted to porn try something to overcome it. But...have you ever heard someone say this about social media, video games, entertainment, work, etc.? It is interesting to note that these addictions all have the same outcome: a stronger pull to being alone and a weakened faith.
  • We want to help young adults recognize these kind of addictions and provide solid pathways to overcoming them.


The DNA of Spiritual Growth


  • How to have a consistent, meaningful personal growth as a believer.
  • It is imperative to have a plan to grow your faith in our culture today. Without a plan, the intellectual and spiritual challenges to Christianity will leave the believe with a weak, nominal faith. Having the right DNA, i.e., putting the right plan in place form the beginning, will bring about a vibrant, serving, loving faith that the culture will recognize.
  • We want to help young adults develop a life-long plan of engagement that brings about consistent spiritual growth and strong faith to withstand the cultural threats to Christian thought and faith.


 *We can also address any other needed areas for your group, and we will certainly be adding additional topics on a regular basis.

Example schedule for a What's Next Event


  • 6:30 - Hang Out/Check In
  • 7:15 - What's Next Welcome
  • 7:30 - I'm Depressed...What's Next? (large group engagement)
  • 8:30 - Small Group Discussions
  • 9:30 - Activity in your area (Top Golf, Dave & Buster's, Bowling, etc.)




  • 9:30 - Conversation Starting Presentations (these are short group presentations designed to get the conversation going)
  • 10:00 - Small Groups from CSPs (choose your topic and join in the conversation)
  • 11:30 - Defending the Faith in a Hostile World (large group engagement)
  • 12:15 - Lunch/Community Service/Outreach


*This example schedule is flexible, as we desire to meet your specific needs. For instance: if you have a great band and want to have a time of worship, we can easily put this into the schedule

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